Mentorship Program


ELSE has launched Canada’s first mentorship program for the solar energy industry! Targeting students, recent graduates and young professionals less than 35 years of age, the program matches mentees with two experienced industry professionals for one-hour in-person sessions.

To register for the ELSE Mentorship Program please click here: ELSE Mentorship


What is a Mentor?
An ELSE mentor is an experienced professional who volunteers to share their expertise with an ELSE mentee, in order to help their protégé develop skills and career goals within the solar and renewable energy industry. Mentors are seasoned industry professional, with several years of experience working in the renewable energy industry. We’re looking for people with the ability to commit to two, one-hour sessions per year, with a particular interest in transferring industry skills, attracting and retaining talent, and personal development.

Why become a mentor?

There are several reasons to become a mentor with ELSE. Here are just a few

Attracting and retaining talent: The solar and renewable energy industry is relatively new to Canada and operates within a unique set of parameters. Experienced industry professionals can spread the word about what makes this industry a great career opportunity for up-and-comers, as well as the varied career paths available.

Enhance your skills: Becoming an ELSE mentor enables you to connect with several ELSE mentees, each with a variety of backgrounds and experiences of their own, allowing you to strengthen your coaching and leadership skills. When you mentor someone, you can truly become a master on that subject. Moreover, it provides an opportunity refine and sometime redefine your own thinking and ways of working.

Industry trends: When a significant portion of boomers retire over the coming years, there is a risk that the solar and renewable energy industry will lose those crucial “soft skills” that are hard to teach; people, leadership and decision-making skills. Through relationship-focused sessions, mentoring can serve as an effective way of transferring those skills to the emerging leaders of - our industry.

I'm interested, how do I sign up?