The next generation of Clean Energy leaders
About ELCE
ELCE is a growing network of young professionals, students, and clean energy advocates who are working together, and with industry stakeholders, to build a clean energy future for their members, communities, and all people.
A global economy reliant on fossil fuels is creating drastic changes to our climate system. We are witnessing an increase in global greenhouse gas emissions and as a consequence, visible impacts on our environment. Over the last 5 years, ELCE has worked closely with local communities in Canada and abroad to help drive new change and encourage the use of alternative energy sources through projects, education and the empowerment of youth. However, more still needs to be done if we want to accelerate the global transition to clean energy sources.
Our Mission
Projects: To increase the development of clean energy by supporting and/or leading energy projects for a range of stakeholders including, but not limited to, science/research facilities, indigenous groups, schools/school boards, not-for-profit organizations and hospitals.
Education: To increase the level of public awareness and education related to clean energy through educational sessions and projects for schools, communities and indigenous audiences.
Professional Development: To secure rewarding clean energy careers for young people by providing them with skills and knowledge, professional development opportunities, and connections within industry and government.
the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement
Most recently, ELCE has positioned itself to more strongly support Canada’s leadership under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement. The 2030 Agenda is a 15-year global framework centred on a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while the Paris Agreement is an ambitious agreement to fight climate change to limit the global average temperature rise to well below 2°C and pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C. Combined, both work towards achieving fundamental human development on a global level such as poverty eradication, food security, clean water and sanitation, health, education, prosperity, job creation and the empowerment of youth and women. They are both universal in nature, meaning that both developing and developed countries alike will implement the Agenda.
Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All
Central to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement is access to clean energy supplies, a critical UN milestone under SDG 7: to “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”. Through local community projects and educational programs, ELCE has diligently worked towards realizing this UN target in Canada and abroad. We recognize that Canada has made some progress through a number of federal and provincial initiatives towards achieving UN goals, such as delivering on the Community Environment Action Grant, enabling ELCE to develop clean energy educational materials for primary and secondary teachers. Yet, more opportunities are available in remote areas of Canada and in particular with indigenous communities. Sustainable and modern energy is an integral part of poverty eradication and increased use of clean energy could make a significant contribution to meeting the UN sustainability goals.
Gender Equality is Important
ELCE also believes that sustainable energy access and its deployment can be both improved and accelerated by gender equality and the empowerment of all woman and girls. ELCE supports the efforts led by Canada through the implementation of the Clean Energy, Education and Empowerment initiative to promote gender equality in the clean energy sector and further advancing equal pay and leadership opportunities for woman in the energy sector. ELCE also supports Canada’s Equal by 30 campaign, which is aimed at finding common ground for action to achieving equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities by 2030. Gender equality is a strong part of ELCE’s core vision in preparing the next generation of clean energy leaders, and we look forward to furthering this agenda.
Multiple Agencies, Multiple Approaches
Looking beyond ELCE’s efforts on the national and international fronts to meet the UN sustainable development goals, we recognize international bodies in the clean energy industry - namely International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and International Solar Alliance, and call for their close cooperation with the UN in supporting and coordinating the development and use of new sources of clean energy. ELCE shares the UN’s call for Governments, private sector and NGOs to facilitate investments in clean energy and in educating students, communities, investors and entrepreneurs on renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation. Through its actions, projects and network, ELCE supports the values of education, academia, technology and entrepreneurship in developing solutions to face energy challenges at the community level.