
An open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada

To The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau,

Congratulations on moving into the Prime Minister’s residence!  We commend you taking temporary residence at Rideau Cottage while much needed upgrades are undertaken at 24 Sussex.

While the National Capital Commission begins planning these upgrades, we –  Emerging Leaders for Solar Energy (ELSE), a Canadian group representing thousands of students and young professionals in the solar industry – believe this is an opportune time to introduce solar energy as  part of these renovations.

Leaders around the world are going solar: the  Obamas, the Merkels and the Netanyahus have all installed solar on their respective institutional buildings, including the  White House, the Reichstag, and  the Knesset parliament building. Furthermore, solar has  been installed at the Vatican, the Pakistan Parliament House, the Australian Parliament House, and the Oregon State Capitol. Closer to home, many of your neighbours, both in the Ottawa area and across Canada, have installed solar on their rooftops and recognize the value of clean energy.

Putting solar photovoltaic (PV) panels (to generate electricity) or a solar thermal system (to generate hot water) on 24 Sussex is both an economically sound choice as well as a strong pro-environment statement. It would reassert to the international community that Canada’s leadership is serious about a low-carbon economy. It demonstrates a strong commitment to Canada’s clean energy sector, which includes 6,000 jobs in the solar industry, and 50,000 jobs in the broader clean technology sector.

Installing solar is also a fiscally responsible choice. A solar PV array would save taxpayer dollars over the system’s 25+ year lifespan. The initial cost is recouped by using the power on-site or selling electricity back to the utility. Alternatively, solar thermal could offer material benefits to the heating of the on-site pool, thereby reducing electricity consumption. For these reasons, approximately 2,000 MW of solar has already been installed in Canada to date!

How does one ‘go solar’?

It’s quite simple, Mr. Trudeau. ELSE is here to help make it as easy as possible download adobe master collection cs6. We are professionals in engineering, manufacturing, marketing and finance. We are the results of training by top Canadian universities and colleges that focus on building the next generation of clean energy professionals. We have already worked with the National Capital Commission (NCC) to develop a preliminary solar plan for 24 Sussex (as well as for Rideau Hall), and can help you connect with Canadian-made solar products, and engineering companies.

Furthermore, we can help you share this country’s amazing clean energy story to all Canadians: a tale of how over $10 billion was invested in Canadian clean energy projects last year; how solar PV panels have decreased in cost by 99 per cent since the 1970’s (including over 80 per cent since 2008); how according to Deutsche Bank solar today is cost-competitive (without the need for subsidies) compared to fossil fuel energy in many regions of the globe. This is a story about how clean energy is the fuel for a 21st century Canadian economy.

Now is the time for Canada to reclaim our leadership position on climate change and clean energy and to change how the world views us. #24SussexSolar, though a small initiative, would have a large impact on the world stage, and will help Canada take another crucial step on the path to green leadership.

 Sincerely on behalf of ELSE, 

Noel McDonald (National Co-chair)

Jonathan Frank (Past National Co-chair)

Mike Skirzynski (National Co-chair)

Lia Van Baalen (Past National Co-chair)